Statement from the Ohio Coal Association
Monday, August 3, 2015
Columbus - The following statement may be attributed to Christian Palich, President of the Ohio Coal Association, regarding the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s final “Clean Power Plan” rule released today:
"Today President Obama's EPA continued to walk in lockstep with radical environmental groups and billionaire, extremist campaign donors. Worse, by the EPA's own admission, this rule will have no practical long term environmental benefit, making it all pain and no gain for Ohio families and businesses who will pay significantly more just to keep the lights on.
The EPA did not consider the serious concerns from states like Ohio regarding this regulation and ignored countless invitations to come to coal country to hear from those most affected by it. Instead, they added more stringent targets and extended the deadline of the already unworkable plan. The simple truth is, this plan is about control of our energy grid and the comment period was just a dog and pony show on the way to a politically motivated result.
Today proved that Mr. Obama and his radical EPA are willing to raise electric prices, threaten grid reliability and send high wage jobs overseas. We will continue to make our voices heard and urge states and Congress to fight this administration and its overreaching, dangerous regulations."
Christian R. Palich
President, Ohio Coal Association